Friday, May 9, 2014

A Modest Realization

I had a realization the other day that explained so much of myself. You see, I'm the type of person who likes to be good at everything. Not just good, the best. I bust my butt to think harder, do better and excel above any competition seemingly in my way. For the most part I think it's a good trait, though in this latest self-revelation I find perhaps it's working negatively in some aspects of my life.

I have strong opinions on NOT getting married and NOT having children. I generally attribute that line of thinking to being raised as an independent career-focused woman. And of course I'm sure there's underlines of emotional damage from my parents divorce [but who doesn't have a little underlying parental damage?]. I digress...

I realized perhaps part of my hesitation for a nuclear life is the mass competition I face. There's no way I would be the best wife or parent. I will inevitably fail in some way. There's just no working around it. And then I realized, maybe part of being a good spouse or a good parent is accepting failure; from myself and from those I love.

It's a tough pill to swallow - but I bet some modesty will help the medicine go down.