It's the eve of my 28th birthday and I have no one to celebrate with except my cat...who is currently preoccupied with her dinner and couldn't care less about celebrating the day I arrived on this earth. Such is life.
27 has been strange. More ups and downs in the past six months than I could ever recall in years prior. I keep telling myself you need the bad to appreciate the good, but the bad hurts sometimes. And lately, it hurts a lot. It's a dull, lonely pain that stings most when I am alone. Which these days, is a lot.
I shouldn't be so mopey. I'm incredibly lucky to have a home, a car, a family, some money in my savings account, a job, travel plans booked and ready for take-off. And while all of that is great and wonderful - none of it matters when you don't matter to anyone. Or a particular someone.
I think about him every day. I dream about him every night. It's not on purpose and I feel like a but of a psycho but it's not that kind of thought or yearning or obsession. There's no particular thought or feelings that accompanies his presence on my mind - he's just there. And I'm not sure why.
I'm a little nervous for 28. It's the first year in a loooooong time I am entering alone - I'm not sure I'm ready for the trek but here we go...such is life.
27 has been strange. More ups and downs in the past six months than I could ever recall in years prior. I keep telling myself you need the bad to appreciate the good, but the bad hurts sometimes. And lately, it hurts a lot. It's a dull, lonely pain that stings most when I am alone. Which these days, is a lot.
I shouldn't be so mopey. I'm incredibly lucky to have a home, a car, a family, some money in my savings account, a job, travel plans booked and ready for take-off. And while all of that is great and wonderful - none of it matters when you don't matter to anyone. Or a particular someone.
I think about him every day. I dream about him every night. It's not on purpose and I feel like a but of a psycho but it's not that kind of thought or yearning or obsession. There's no particular thought or feelings that accompanies his presence on my mind - he's just there. And I'm not sure why.
I'm a little nervous for 28. It's the first year in a loooooong time I am entering alone - I'm not sure I'm ready for the trek but here we go...such is life.
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