Monday, June 20, 2011

I'd like to move-it, move-it...but I'm scared.

It used to be one would get hired for an employment position and then move to wherever that employment position was. Now it seems we must find (or settle for) a position in the location where we a.) Currently reside or b.) Currently want to reside so we move there in hopes of also finding a job there. It’s almost as if the, “If you build it, he will come” quotation has been reversed, polished and updated to say, “If you move it, jobs will come”. I was quite happy with the way it was thank you.

My problem with today’s reality is that I’m simply not brave enough to pack up, move, make a deposit and sign a 6-month lease and then cross-my-fingers something comes along to pay the 6-month rent. I need more assurance than that cross-my-fingers mumbo jumbo people rely on. Seriously, how do you people do it so carefree?

Perhaps this “weenie-ism” makes this next revelation so sadly true. I am staying at my current job for another mmmm 6-months at the minimum mostly because I have no other solid options. I’m also staying because I’m too scared to quit and hope something better comes along. Thirdly I’m staying because I know a job with benefits, vacation days, sick days and superiors being chill about me taking days off pretty much whenever I choose does not come along everyday. I need to realize that although my location is not ideal (and here I thought it was all about LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION) I have it pretty good.

I also need to reflect on an import statement my off-color mentor slipped to me just the other day. “Don’t just move for movings sake.” And you know he’s 100% correct. I’ve been complaining and wanting to move for longer than I care to remember but when it comes down to the nitty gritty of the matter, I’ve been wanting to move for movings sake.  Though I say I am “done” with this town and would LOVE to live, work and play in a big city where I can wear heels without judgment; I need to sit back and appreciate what I have…for now. (My heels are waiting patiently in their designated closet space.) 

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