Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Karma's Loop

The other day I discovered a former nemesis of mine is pregnant. I admit the first thought I had about it was "hip-hip-hooray!" but more in a that's karma for you way than an I'm so happy for her way.  I feel the same about a high school nemesis who is STILL in college while I graduated two years ago.

For all the disclosed and undisclosed pain they put me through it was nice to see that my life choices led to success while their life choices landed them in stupid places. Pregnant at 24 and still flunking classes. It makes me feel good. Like my sweet silent revenge has finally arrived! (insert evil laugh)

But now that I am in Betty-Crocker-Mode (I seriously just baked three pies) I am in a motherly sense to believe that they are truly happy about the choices they've made that have landed them A. pregnant and B. still in school. I wonder if they've ever second guessed their situation or if they've just taken it in stride and continued to be happy about their choices.

Its funny how my perspective of the matter equals awesome revenge while their perspective of the matter is probably nothing more than just a piece of their life puzzle. And you know what? I don't mind if they are happy about their choices. The way I see it, as long as we can all find happiness (and maybe a satisfied giggle) in the matter, then karma has done her job. Full circle.

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