I have just formally applied to my own job. As I described earlier my employer majorly messed up when they hired me and so I have to be rehired. Which in-turn means I must apply. For my own job. It was rather comical reading the job description as it mirrored what I do each day at work...oh yes thats right, IT IS EXACTLY what I do each day at work! I'll be honest it was kind of flattering that I was the inspiration behind the job description. Almost like being the Mono Lisa but in a much less romantic and lead-free paint kind of way.

Did I mention the canvas comes in the form of a internet post?
A little scary too that I had to apply online. Applying online means that the position was opened up (and likely announced on all jobbing sites) to the whole internet universe! EEP! I would literally be blown away if anyone matched up with the job description as perfectly as I did. It would even more so blow my mind if they got the job instead of me. It would be like someone describing a person exactly correct right down to the odd-shaped freckle on their left elbow and then *BAM* deciding it was actually someone else who fit the description better. That would never happen...but then again, I should know better. I mean, I am applying to get my own job back, in what world is that normal?

I am going to pull a "Confident Career Barbie" on this one and say I will definitely get the position/my position back. Barbie would never be phased by this pesky dilemma and nor should I. If I know Barbie as well as my childhood memories allow, Barbie wouldn't fret! Barbie would just resort to one of her back-up careers as a veterinarian or soccer coach or doctor or princess or international pilot or chef. Its nice to see she has so many career alternatives. Hmm...I better buy myself an apron and a spatula...just in case.
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