*Crowd boos*
I suppose I can't place all my bitterness upon HR. It was in fact my sleuth detective work that found me in my own predicament. My temporary employee status coupled with benefits, retirement plans and time-slips just wasn't adding up. In all honesty, I only ventured over to HR to collect more information because I REALLLLLY wanted to take courses for $5...a treat reserved only for "REAL" employees. Since I was on a time-slip, apparently I didn't count. Why then was I getting bene's and 401K offers but no sick days, vacation or cheap education? It just didn't make sense. I decided to investigate. What I found was a lot of confusion from anyone I spoke to...either I am a very poor communicator or these people seriously couldn't decipher what my actual question was and/or how to answer it.

Blah, blah I will skip the boring state policy details (oh government) and get straight to the point: My employer has to rehire me, BUT, due to the hiring freeze I must be hired under "emergency circumstance" which HR is taking their sweet time deciding if I am worth the hype and worth a continued position. Basically, Friday is my last day and then I play the game where I sit by the phone hoping they'll call. Hmm...this feels oddly like a post-good-date-I-hope-he-liked-me-too ritual than an employment exercise.

Employment is much like dating when it boils down to it: At first your nervous, make small talk, feel each other out. Then you get down to the nitty gritty-your past achievements and future goals. You both decide its a good match and BAM...you're in a relationship. YAY! You're excited, show up early, coordinate cute outfits to impress, its perfect! Fast forward a few months and the pay off just isn't worth it anymore. You've lost interest, your eyes start to wander...and before you know it you're either fired, dumped or take it upon yourself to quit. On to the next one be it man, woman or job. If only we could treat either scenario as simply.
The main point of this rant is to say, yes, I may be out of a job-relationship come Friday BUT my eyes have wandered to new opportunities and I have proven to myself that I am a survivor. You can't ask for a better self-confidence boost than that! BOO-YA current job!!...even though I still have feelings for you and, yes, I would take you back if you would have me.
You know in those psychology courses where your professor rambles on about a "fight or flight" personality? And that only the "fighters" survive...definitely a Darwin-esque theory. Honestly, I always took myself for a "flight" kinda gal. Come Armageddon or Aliens taking over my city or even a relatively small snow-storm...I'm done for. Giving up. Goodbye. I guess I was wrong. Apparently when tough times such as unemployment come around--I'm the first to get in the ring to fight it! This comes to me as a shock for which I still mentally categorize myself as a "flight-er".

As a prelude to my unemployment I've submitted applications for two local businesses currently hiring. Just to be safe. Just in case. To say I tried. To my surprise, BOTH called me back AND set-up interviews. I can't help but be completely satisfied with myself, OK well at least with my resume creating skills, especially in these hard times! It really proves all the hard work I've put in over the years in various jobs does pay off. It also reminds me that while I may be getting dumped by my current job relationship...I still have options.
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