Where to begin...how about just the highlights? I am really anxious to put this life saga behind me--though nervous about what lies ahead in life! EEK! I guess there's no stopping this party train called Life.
OK so blah, blah, blah you read about me basically feeling irate at my family for their reaction. Mom called me an embarrassment and said Playboy is a form of prostitution so therefore I would be a prostitute if I posed for Playboy. Dad drove five hours to my apartment, got a speeding ticket to boot(now that's dedication!) to convince me to not pose.

And my step mom? Well, she promptly BLOCKED me on Facebook. Not only delete me off her friends list, as I could understand in a moment of rage...but BLOCKED?? And two months later I am still blocked?? Get real. She writes me about my immaturity in all of this but hello? I'm glad she resorted to the old-fashioned middle school action to block me.
I tossed and turned, flipped and flopped, did everything basically but make a decision until the very last second. Yes, I waited until the day before my flight was to ship me off to the glitz and glam of Chicago to DENY Playboy. Am I wrong to be a little proud of myself that my family really didn't have the final say in my decision? I mean yes, I listened to their reasoning and anger and embarrassment over the issue- but ultimately- it was Playboy itself that turned me off. Kind of like Romeo and Juliet in a weird obscure way-- I'm sure if everyone had left them alone to live happily-ever-after they would have eventually decided they really weren't right for one another and parted ways. No damage done.

Everything worked out with Mom and Dad- we're all cool. Still no word from step-mom. My Dad left a voicemail that I should check-in with her because she was asking about me but pfff...that's not my deal. If she wonders about me, she is more than welcome to contact me. I will not be crawling back to her with apologies or flowers or I'm sorry I ruffled your feathers emails...I certainly do not expect the same from her as she is always above that but I'm tired of making the move. Of being the bigger person. Of setting aside MY dignity to keep her thinking she was right all along.

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