Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Mirage

I am fortunate enough to be employed until the end of this June...will my employer renew my contract? No idea. Will I accept it? Hope not.

I hate that I love the security of having a job and I can only hope by the end of June I will have zero qualms about packing up my belongings-including my very obese cat- and just moving somewhere I want to be. Its been Las Vegas for quite awhile-two years- I think its a must. I just need to go there for one year and see what happens. Its the magic and the mystery of Vegas that draws me- I love the energy there- and I think I could be happy living there, performing some job on the strip (but not THAT kind of job). Maybe it's because I am young... but thats exactly my point...I am young! Why should I settle in this teeny-tiny town forever when I know I have the option of moving ANYWHERE and doing anything. I would be very disappointed in myself if I do not make the leap.

The only con to moving to Vegas is there are very few jobs in my professional field...and is it wrong that I am ok with that for now? I hear once you leave the industry it's hard to get back in so I worry that I am throwing my passion and my expensive education away for a year of bartending and thousands of dollars in tips. But its so damn tempting!

I am teetering on the balance beam of what I worked so hard for and what I think will make me happy for a few years. Which do I set aside?

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