Thursday, November 18, 2010

Damn that Weatherman!

The first snow of the season is here. Horay--but two hours into the day and I'm over it. Not to complain, the snow is BEAUTIFUL! I love the light dusting on the trees and I'm dying to bust out my Christmas decor. I did allow myself to listen to Christmas music last night, hmm maybe that's what brought the snow, but I'm determined to wait until after Thanksgiving to pull out the Christmas goods.

I'm also seriously contemplating buying a larger tree this year, espcially since I can get a 6-footer WITH lights for a mere $50 buck-a-roo's at Walmart. Is it trashy to have a Walmart tree?? Walmart clothes, yes. Walmart Christmas decor...the exception?

My point is snow is here and there's more on the way. Snow usually doesn't arrive until after Thanksgiving so I assume its going to be a wild winter just like the weatherman said. Damn him for being right this time!!

Please understand my ideal temperature is 80-degrees. Cold = my version of hell. My only hope is maybe since winter came early, summer will too?? Did I mention the HIGH tempterature next Tuesday is 11-degrees? *Gulp*

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