Mother and I reconfirmed holiday plans the other night and needless to say, she's not okay with them anymore, and I don't know what to do about it.

My plan was to spend December 23-Christmas morning with Dad, step-monster and little brother. Little bro's birthday is the 23rd so I thought I would be a good sister and spend the day with him. Is that so wrong? He also happens to be turning 12, I know at that age Christmas really starts to lose its charm and wonderment so I want to see his last Christmas morning as a quote, unquote; child. Plus the fact I can't even remember the last Christmas I spent with them as I refused to leave my Mother alone on Christmas 'morn so I figured it was their turn. Mom's remarried now, so she won't be alone. I'm free to make plans how I see fit...oh, I was so wrong.

A. My tickets are booked, it costs $100 to change my flight plans and the flights are full. Plus, like I said, I'm cheap.
B. Her wedding anniversary is the day after Christmas, I don't want to be in their way or watch them be lovey dovey while boyfriend sits alone on Christmas! EW!
C. F-M-L.
This is the woman who last year got married the DAY AFTER Christmas. I was at her beck and call that whole week and not able to even enjoy a moment of my holiday, infact I clearly recall saying, "I'm not doing Christmas next year its too stressful for me." But here I am, buying plane tickets and taking vacation days from work and listening to gripes about how I'm not doing enough.

I booked a trip home for the holidays but missed the small print that said, "FREE GUILT TRIP INCLUDED".
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