I'm a planner. It's who I am and it's what I do. Each day I make myself a written list of things to do and feel a sense of accomplishment when a check mark is placed next to an item on the sacred list. My planning process has become somewhat of a foundation (a.k.a. Obsession!) for me and it keeps me stable. Perhaps this stability is actually a sign of a super-anal-control-freak-personality shining through, but I prefer to think of it as a hobby.
I plan out my paycheck weeks before they arrive in my bank account; I'm not heading to Europe for another three weeks yet my bags are packed; and finally because I have nothing else to plan at the moment, I've made a Bucket List.
In no particular order:
1. See the World. Top destinations include: Spain, Africa (Safari!), Galapagos Islands.
2. Be a News Anchor, if only for one day.
3. Get into Politics, and kick some Congressional ass!
4. Work/Volunteer with animals either at the Humane Society or another non-profit organization.
5. Spend one shopping day and not be frugal in the slightest. I'm talking not even check the price tags.
6. Tell my Mother I have a tattoo.
Hmm...perhaps I need a real hobby....I'll put it on my "to do" list.
I plan out my paycheck weeks before they arrive in my bank account; I'm not heading to Europe for another three weeks yet my bags are packed; and finally because I have nothing else to plan at the moment, I've made a Bucket List.
In no particular order:
1. See the World. Top destinations include: Spain, Africa (Safari!), Galapagos Islands.
2. Be a News Anchor, if only for one day.
3. Get into Politics, and kick some Congressional ass!
4. Work/Volunteer with animals either at the Humane Society or another non-profit organization.
5. Spend one shopping day and not be frugal in the slightest. I'm talking not even check the price tags.
6. Tell my Mother I have a tattoo.
Hmm...perhaps I need a real hobby....I'll put it on my "to do" list.