Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is it Nap Time yet?

I don't know if it's the weather or a case of post-Vegas withdrawals but I'm feeling down and today is not a day to be feeling that way. I think a good bit stems from the fact I am mentally and physically exhausted, not to mention realizing that boyfriend is equal to an 8-year-old child that I constantly have to clean up after is somewhat depressing. Let's run through my past two weeks and see if perhaps my excuse of being tired could possibly be legit.

Day 1: 14-hour work day.
Day 2: Prep for Vegas. Fly to Vegas. Party in Vegas.
Day 3: VEGAS!
Day 4: More VEGAS...though this time a little hungover. Lunch with cousin. Fly home.
Day 5: Work. Prep for GIANT workday. Entertain House Guest. Try to clean apartment.
Day 6: Work. Prep for GIANT workday. Say Goodbye to Guest. Welcome new House Guest.
Day 7: Take 6a flight to Seattle. Work 19-hours. 10p flight home. Drop by office. In bed by 12:30a.
Day 8: Work at 8a. Work for 10 hours. Home at 6p. Entertain House Guest. Try to clean apartment.
Day 9: Take 6a flight to Seattle. Shop with Mom for most of day. In bed by 11p.
Day 10: Hang with Mom. Catch Ferry. Attend wedding and reception. Shop. Catch Ferry. Home to Moms.
Day 11: Wake at 7a to prepare for Church at 8a. Meet up with Dad at 10a. Spend day on Vashon Island.
Day 12: Up at 6:30a to shower. Head to airport at 7:30a. Flight home. Work 8 hours. Try to go to bed early but decide to clean....

I'm at the point where I need to break down in tears and call it a day but I've still got 4-hours of work and a 2-hour class to get through before I can focus on any "me" time. Cross your fingers I don't completely lose it before then!

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