Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's been one week and it still doesn't quite feel real.

Our family Patriarch passed away quietly at 2:50 a.m. on Sunday, December 11th and I'll miss him forever. He passed away from various health complications but kept his sharp wit and independent will right up until the end. He was a fighter, but the exhaustion caused by weeks of sleepless nights convinced him otherwise. He was a great man and I am grateful he was a part of my life.

I'll always remember or try to always remember:

1. His big ears. I remember as a child being at their home on the lake and they always had a bag of  Lays Original Potato Chips. I'd pull out the biggest chip I could find and he'd make a joke about that potato chip being as big as his ear and that, " I got his ear!". It made me laugh, and I still think of it often when I find a large Lays chip in my hand.

2. Tonic Water. They also always had tonic water for the traditional Vodka Tonic beverage everyone would enjoy...being only pint-sized I was only allowed the tonic water. But I loved it, and still do. Last week I was able to take home one of the cups that I have many tonic water memories in. It's a silly item to want but it's sentimental value is priceless.

3. Doctor Sicky. When I lived in my childhood home in Federal Way I recall Granddad picking me up to take me to see "Doctor Sicky" as I suppose I was feeling ill. I only saw that Doctor that one time and for years and years I thought that Doctor's name was actually "Doctor Sicky" until the light bulb went off  that Granddad was joking.

4. Christmas. He always wore a red or green sweater and they always wrapped their gifts with plaid wrapping paper--always making sure the lines of the wrapping paper met up with one another properly.

5. The dining room at the lake house is where I have many, many memories. Birthdays, dinners, BBQ's....all centered around that room. We drank from Grandma's crystal stemware, always raising a glass to toast someone or something and if it was a birthday, you could count on cake and ice cream.

6. Gingerbread Men. Grandma used to always give us a gingerbread man cookie when we said goodbye. It was a special treat and I've only once tasted a cookie that was similar to the ones she gave us.

7. He always said, "on the thing", as a filler. He also said "take care, "bye-bye", "Hello Dear", and once called Katie Holmes a lush. He liked to keep up on the celebrity gossip.

8. The white Mercedes. I don't know where we went but I have a memory of Granddad and Grandma D. picking up my brother and I and taking us down Pacific Highway in their white Mercedes. I remember I liked the back seat cargo holder because it was like a stretchy net.

9. The Station Wagon. Granddad always drove a Station Wagon...until they traded in the Wagon and the Mercedes for a HUGE Cadillac with heated seats, a 12-CD changer; the works!

10. Spearmint Lifesavors. When I was younger I remember Granddad always had a pack of Spearmint Lifesavors--I used to not like them because the were so strong they left a burning sensation in my mouth.

11. His rings. Grandma D. gave him a big gold ring with his initials engraved on it-- D D O. He wore it on his left pinkie finger. He also wore his thin gold wedding band and never ever took it off in the 50+ years he was married.

12. His hands. He had strong hands and I was lucky enough to hold them for over an hour on Saturday, December 10th while we all gathered around his bed and said our tearful goodbyes. He squeezed them so tight but I didn't let go. I wanted him to know he wasn't alone in that hospital room. We told him he was surrounded by love, that everything was OK and that he'd done such a wonderful job with his life.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I Kiss & Tell

P.S. Eleven years ago today I recieved my first kiss EVER. It was the most perfect kiss. And don't ask how I remember these oddities---I guess I just have a good memory for the very important details of life.

The Funkiest of Funks

Help! I'm trapped in a funk and I can't get out. Normally these "funk" moments last maybe a few days until I'm distracted by something and move right along with my life. Not this one. I can't pinpoint the source of my funk--but I think I need a major life change to free myself of this never-ending-bad-mood.

A big source I guarantee is my job. Lately I spend more days annoyed at it than loving it. It's not what I want anymore and even the parts I do like about my job are taking WAY too long to happen. I want the adrenaline rush and the panicked cursing of being in real television production--not the bureaucratic week-long wait to get an office supply order approved for the TV station.  Yes the bright side is I'm in TV but there's nowhere to go in this office but where I am. There's no likely promotions or exciting projects or award nominations---heck, I don't even get mentions for what I DO accomplish here. It's a thankless job and though I feel guilty complaining, I know that if I ventured out into the "real" world of TV...AKA Los Angeles...I would really make something of myself. So what am I waiting for??

A sublet.

Yep. I'm tied down in a 12-month lease and unless I can find a sublet I am stuck here. That's not to say I'm stuck here forever. Just until I find a sublet OR until March comes around when I could afford to pay rent on two places if I had to....and also if I STOP shopping.

Another source of my funk is the ever-dying passion of my relationship. I just don't feel any excitement or lust or desire. It's depressing. And he doesn't have the motivation to light the spark. And that's a turn-off. I'm not sure what to do--are we over? Am I sure? I pray a lot for a HUGE OBVIOUS sign about what to do. But that answer has yet to arrive. I hope it works itself out because as mentioned before--I am such a weenie!

And no one likes/loves/wants a weenie-in-a-funk, or is it a funky-weenie? Meh, tomato, tomatoe.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wishes Of A Self-Described Weenie

All week long I've been obsessed in thought about another man. I don't know why I'm suddenly entranced with thoughts and memories of him but it's driving me crazy thinking about this person night and day. My heart tells me he could have been "the one" and that I'm not with the right one right now. My head tells me it's too late and that I'm not even looking for "the one" so I should just stay put. Yet the pull on my heart strings has me wanting to break-the-mold, give it a shot and at least finish this unfinished business....but I'm such a weenie I know I'll never make a move. *sigh*

You see, to dive into this situation means I hurt someone. And that someone has done nothing to deserve the hurt of my selfish urges. Yes, it's my life and I should do what makes me happy and blah, blah, blah, me,me,me but putting yourself first is not always the right choice. I feel a loyalty to this person I am now with--it's not the passionate romantic love that I dream about-- but its a comfortable relationship. To be honest, I'd feel guilty putting myself first and breaking off what we do have. I wish we were more but lately we feel routine.

 I just wish these other thoughts would go away or that some sort of sign would appear (and folks, I'm talking HUGE OBVIOUS sign) to make me act upon my hearts desire to free myself and give this a shot.  

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Battle Ground

Last weekend I attended the wedding of a former-roomie. She married my Ex-boyfriends-best-friend so mutual friends were at the wedding including my Ex and his new girlfriend. I wanted to look stunning (obviously) so many outfits were packed and makeup was done by a fabulous friend to be exact. I'd felt nervous for weeks leading up to the wedding due to the fact my ex and his girlfriend would be there and also that I was expecting the ex's family to be there as well...and they HATE me. It's a looooong story but pretty much it's always awkward when we're in the same vicinity. I'd tried to convince myself it would be fine and that I should just be super friendly and classy and it would all work out.

It kind of did work out but with one very disappointing outcome...with more to follow.

My boyfriend and I arrived at the wedding and said hello to those we knew. My ex was part of they wedding party and was busy taking photos with the group so we only gave a nod hello from across the gardens. His new girlfriend hadn't yet arrived so I was slightly at ease. The girlfriend arrived just before the wedding was to begin and since we all have mutual friends I introduced myself to her and she seemed nice enough...even complimented my (borrowed) dress. I went to be seated and enjoyed the wedding assuming the reception would be relaxed and that my boyfriend and I could go say hello to the Ex and his gf. NOPE.

The gf must have worked tirelessly to keep my Ex as far away from me as possible because I never saw them closer than 20 feet from wherever I was at any given time. I only wanted to say hello and wish them well but I never got the chance. Shortly before we left my boyfriend pulled me aside and said he had spoken to my ex and my ex said saying hello would not be an option because of his girlfriends demands. That was really disappointing to hear. I even tried to give him a quick high-five just to signal "hey, we're cool" and he said, "I can't, I can't.". Wow. Not even a walk-by-high-five?

Aside from the fact his girlfriend has some immaturity issues (we haven't dated for 5+ years...not like I was trying to have some deep private conversation or steal him away. I have my own boyfriend!) the fact that I couldn't say hello was very upsetting to me. And the more I thought about it, the more upset I became.

This was the first man I ever dated, kissed, loved, etc. He was a huge part of my life, a special part of my life and even though we no longer have feelings toward one another--I will always wish the best for him.

But I'm not even allowed to say hello.

To make me feel even more like a bastard child; I wrote on a mutual friends Facebook wall about how it was nice to see him and meet his fiance at the wedding and that if my boyfriend and I move near where they are we will have to get in touch...only to find that seconds later it was deleted.

I see where the loyalties lie....but I'm not even allowed to say hello?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Karma's Loop

The other day I discovered a former nemesis of mine is pregnant. I admit the first thought I had about it was "hip-hip-hooray!" but more in a that's karma for you way than an I'm so happy for her way.  I feel the same about a high school nemesis who is STILL in college while I graduated two years ago.

For all the disclosed and undisclosed pain they put me through it was nice to see that my life choices led to success while their life choices landed them in stupid places. Pregnant at 24 and still flunking classes. It makes me feel good. Like my sweet silent revenge has finally arrived! (insert evil laugh)

But now that I am in Betty-Crocker-Mode (I seriously just baked three pies) I am in a motherly sense to believe that they are truly happy about the choices they've made that have landed them A. pregnant and B. still in school. I wonder if they've ever second guessed their situation or if they've just taken it in stride and continued to be happy about their choices.

Its funny how my perspective of the matter equals awesome revenge while their perspective of the matter is probably nothing more than just a piece of their life puzzle. And you know what? I don't mind if they are happy about their choices. The way I see it, as long as we can all find happiness (and maybe a satisfied giggle) in the matter, then karma has done her job. Full circle.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Does anyone else ever have that feeling of not-quite-fitting-in? Because I have it all the time. For the most part I find I feel this way when I'm out with friends in some sort of social setting. (Wait, isn't that when you're supposed to feel totally "fit-in"??) I'm not sure why it happens in that circumstance but there I'll be; surrounded by friends, music blaring, drink in hand, people being social  and for some reason I'm sitting silently and in deep-thought thinking "I don't belong here." What a buzz kill.

I gave some thought yesterday as to why  I feel I don't fit in and its come down to this: I don't fit in because I don't know who I am. And I don't know who I am because I'm constantly adapting to situations. To avoid sounding like a total philosopher I'll admit I can give a generic explanation of who I am in terms of my job, my interests, favorite songs, ideal man...but do those material dressings really explain who I am? I mean, shouldn't there be some "deeper" me? And if there is, how do I find her?

I decided perhaps if I could truly define myself then I would know where I fit in and with whom I fit in. Or even just feel more comfortable as to where I am and with whom I am right now.

Attempt one at defining my true self: I am........hmm.....confused.  

With the constant surge of do-this and do-that and be-this and have-that I find I am so distracted by the notions flying at me (and the rush to adapt to them) that I haven't had the time to sort out one from the other. I blend like a gecko to my surroundings thinking that if my friends fit in, then I should  fit-in too...but somehow I always end up silent at a table over thinking myself and where I belong. Why?

Is this another riddle that was left out of my "Now That You're An Adult" handbook? How can we define our true selves, if our external self is always changing? And if it it the material assets that define us, then I'd like an upgrade.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Ex Files

For the past week thoughts of my Ex have been dancing in my head like sugar plum fairies gone wild. I have no idea why I am thinking of him; I haven't given that man a thought in the last several months but something has me thinking of him and the thing that is most frustrating about it is I'm not thinking anything in particular about him...he's just "there" in my head.

Ironic as it may be, days after him in my head I got a Facebook message from his oldest sister thanking me once again for making her engagement video. Weird right? I haven't thought of or heard from this family in literally years and then suddenly when I think of him, I get this Facebook message. I wish I could get another message, like say, why I am thinking of him so much these days.

To be honest the thoughts give me a feeling of sad nostalgia and I get a pit in my stomach from all the raw emotion that was invested into that relationship. No matter what emotion it was at any given time, it was always  fueled by an intense passion of some sort---and I don't think I'll ever get that from another relationship. I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing....or if its worth thinking about.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Dorothy's Rage

I may be tan on the outside but I'm furious on the inside. This past weekend boyfriend and I jetted to Kaua'i for a nice relaxing birthday weekend on the beach. An hour before our flight to paradise I get a text from my older brother saying he just got fired....and for no apparent reason. I am shocked that in Arizona an employer can fire you for any reason, including no reason at all. I console my brother and feel guilty that I'm taking a vacation while his dream just got flushed down the toilet.

You see, my brother has ALWAYS wanted to be a pilot, always, always, always. While I drifted through career dreams of supermodel, superstar and psychologist he stuck to the one dream of flying. Any memories of my brother (past or present) include aviation of some kind. He followed his dream all the way to this job of flight instructing foreign students and then boom, crash,'s all over...for NO reason. My brother explained that in the aviation industry if you get fired from a job, that's it. No more jobs in the flight industry.
I am crushed for him.

One day later while enjoying a drink at a fancy-smancy place on the island I get another text from him. He heard through the grapevine someone complained about him being gay and that's likely what got him fired. I am irate. Twenty-seven years of work toward his dream of being a commercial pilot gone thanks to some flight school bigots who don't want to work with a gay. How in the world is it still lawfully OK to A. fire someone for no reason and B. to fire someone for being homosexual. I instantly shutter at what America truly is and I've been bitter about this country ever since that realization.

I decide that even though my brother relents and accepts that this is "OK" I am going to do something about it. Turns out, there's nothing I can do but hope and make a lot of phone calls. I'll admit I'm naive to the subject of laws and civil rights-- I thought it was all resolved in the 1960's like my teachers told me. Apparently we've still got a lot of work to do. Here's some fun revelations about our country for you: Did you know that in 29 states it's perfectly legal to fire an employee for no reason? Furthermore, no explanation is needed even if asked. Now, pinpointing the bigot state of Arizona here...and what the heck, let's include the good ol' U.S.A. I would also like to add that "sexual orientation" is not protected in any civil rights laws. Messed up right?

I don't care who you are or what you believe in....and by the way, your beliefs are protected by the law which is more than I can say for your sexual preference...denying someone the right to work (especially when they've trained for it, studied for it and paid a heck of a lot of tuition money to get a degree for it) because of their sexual preference is WRONG. And by the way, if you're sitting there all high and mighty thinking this rule won't impact your can. Heterosexual preferences are not protected either. 

What can we do about it? Speak your opinion. Contact your Congressional Representatives. If you don't want to give a voice to this cause, then at least open your eyes to it and do a little research.

I wonder if you'll feel the same bitterness and vulnerability as I do.  

Monday, July 11, 2011

Always A Bridesmaid

For months boyfriend and I planned to attend his best friends wedding. Boyfriend was the Best Man so I had settled on the idea I would sit solo in the audience while he did his Best Man duties....little did I know what was about to ensue. Granted, I should have known exactly what was about to ensure given my knowledge of the wedding plans coming together and falling apart.

One month before the wedding we receive our invitations. Pretty sure proper etiquette says one month is not enough time, especially for those who need to make travel plans.

Two weeks before the wedding I am told the Maid of Honor (backup Maid of Honor by the way since number one said she didn't want to do it) backs out because of car trouble. She spent money to fix her car and now could not afford to come to the wedding. Side note: If one of my best friends was getting married I would spend whatever it took to get me to that wedding. Apparently now the Groom's sister is Maid of Honor.

One week before the wedding I am informed boyfriend is the only one (out of four groomsmen, three ushers and two fathers) who has gone in for a Tuxedo fitting and paid the deposit on the rental. At this point, I would be a raging Bridezilla. I don't know how this girl did this without a total breakdown.

48-hours before the wedding: Boyfriend texts me and asks what size I am. My immediate reaction is, "Shit.". Turns out one of the bridesmaids had to bail on the wedding due to some medical problem leaving me as the only one who might, and I stress, MIGHT, fit into the dress.

30-hours before the wedding: I arrive (earlier than planned) to the wedding destination and try on the dress. I quoted myself as a size 6 or 8 and this dress is a 4. Somehow it fits like the dress was made for my body...with only the small problem that no deep breaths are allowed or else the dress will pop. Is this what models go through? No big deal, the dress fit fine enough...crisis averted. I just can't eat anymore until after the ceremony.

24-hours before the wedding: We line up for the wedding rehearsal where I am informed I am the "Maid of Honor". Whoa, whoa, what???!!?? Turns out the medical emergency came from the Maid of Honor, and since I fit in the dress I got the gig. Her two sisters were in the wedding party, personally I would have upgraded one of them and left me as a lowly bridesmaid.

At wedding: As we line-up to walk down the aisle the Bride's 4-year-old son has a total meltdown. Yikes. Somehow he pulls it together and makes it down the aisle as Ring Bearer. Time for Bride to come down the aisle but no one stands for her. Feeling like it's my time to shine I motion for the audience to stand, finally they rise. The Bride walks beautifully down the aisle to meet her Groom and the Minister begins reading scripture. Notice no one has been asked to be seated yet?? THEY'RE ALL STILL STANDING!! I figure the Minister will ask everyone to be seated after the scripture reading but no. The Minister continues right on into the vows. Sensing the awkward tension behind me and hearing muddled whispers of "Can we sit?" I turn and once again motion that it's OK to sit down. They sit and my duties as Maid of Honor are done.

Gosh I hate weddings.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Patriotic Pity

The 4th of July holiday never meant much to me in terms of festivity. My parents were safety freaks so fireworks were out. You generally have to work the next day so drinking is out. I don't have any great camping traditions or family outings to look forward to so often I just enjoy the free day at home. This year, wanting to connect with the community I find myself living in longer than I expected (much, much longer), I dragged boyfriend down to the park where the Chamber of Commerce holds an annual 4th of July gathering. There's BBQ, cotton candy, bands playing, bouncy castles for the kids and of course a fireworks show.

As we got cozy on our oversized beach towel I couldn't help but look around at the people surrounding our terry cloth oasis. To be honest I was repulsed by the site of dozens of obese men, women and children in their plus-plus-plus sized clothing. The addition of no doubt ex-convicts and generally trashy people with their trashy offspring only added to my disgust.  Now let me preface by saying I don't think of myself as being better than anyone but when I'm surrounded by toothless, braless, classless  people I can't help but feel a little higher up the social totem pole.

The display of gluttony and sloth got me thinking about the reason we celebrate the 4th of July. It's our day of Independence. It's been a hard fought battle throughout America's entire history and it was fought by brave men and women who firmly believed we deserved to be free. The thought that struck me at my  moment of taking in the surrounding sites of what America is (obese, lazy, classless) was: If our Veterans and Forefathers knew what we'd become, do you think they'd have fought so hard to make it happen?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th O'July!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dorothy Dare and the Renter's Remorse

We moved into our new apartment Tuesday and it still doesn't feel like home. We still have the old apartment until August 1st and there's a few things down there so I suppose that's a good explanation for why it's so easy for me to pick out the negatives of this place verses the positives of my new home.

Negative 1: Our apartment is on the outskirts of town way up on a hill in what I like to call "Apartment Land". There's no stores, no banks, no thing around us except for a bar about one mile away.

Negative 2: No matter which way we exit our apartment you go downhill (Funny thought: It's quite literally ALL downhill from here....I digress) Downhills not bad until you want to come back home and you have to go uphill. Winter is going to suck, especially since nor me or my car drive in winter.

Negative 3: We live on the second floor of a three story unit. I've always lived on the top floor of apartments so hearing footsteps (and heavy footsteps at that!!) above me constantly is going to take some getting used to. P.S. What the hell are they doing up there? It's only 574 square feet...they sound like they're running a marathon!

Negative 4: Our unit faces into the parking lot and directly over to the unit across from us. This means no more walking around half-naked and definitely not fully naked! Always keeping the bedroom blinds closed and also no more solo dance-offs in my living room....unless the drapes are closed. It also means I need to start pretending I have a green-thumb and get some plants on the balcony for a little privacy and non-concrete beauty.

Negative 5: We still don't have internet. We've been here for six days and I still cannot lock down a decent internet connection. I'm writing this using my mobile hotspot (laptop internet thanks to my phone!). Apparently our place is so new that the city hasn't wired for internet yet so no competition can get out here quite yet. I'm stuck with the crappy connection company or the huge corporation that I really don't like to deal with...May I also stress that while these places are fairly new, they are two years old, but according to everyone I've spoken to around here apparently that's as new as it gets in this town.

Negative 6: I feel bad I'm still having renter's remorse and I can only hope it goes away. I'm suddenly noticing apartment complexes that I failed to contact in my mad search for an apartment. I should brush it off but always being the one to find a bargain, I can't help but wonder if I just ripped myself off.

Ok, that's all the bad news...I'm now going to Google "Easiest plants in the world to take care of even if you leave them in the scorching summer sun for 10-days with no water". Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nothing to hide but Myself

I'm dying to socially post something about my weekend but the main person I want to post about has access to my social networking so this is my only chance to vent. I've been waiting over 24-hours to let it out and let it go so here I go...bare with me.

I don't know how much inside info on the fam I've let air out on here but for backgrounds sake I will say I have a much younger half-brother who is a product of my father's second marriage to my step-monster. In the past I always got along with her and everyone on that side of the family...I do recall quietly accepting her rude commentary and ridiculously frank opinions but we never had issues until I was just about out of University and hitting my stride as an adult. I don't think it's jealousy or competition (which according to my Mom it is) but lately every chance this woman has to bash or hurt me in someway, she does it. And I'm tired of letting it affect me so terribly.

Little brother is currently on summer vacation and being the moody tween that he is, he's constantly mouthing off about being bored. You did it, I did it and now he's doing it. It's the summer vacation circle of life...and I miss it!! Anyway, it was suggested little bro come spend some quality bonding time with me in the super dooper boring town I call home. It was all coming together until a few hours later when step-monster says: "If he's going to come visit you I need to know if you're living with your boyfriend because then he's NOT coming." Not ever being one to hide the fact I calming said, "Well we live together." And she abruptly replies," Well then he's not going." Understandingly confused I asked why and she shot back, "Because you're not married so I don't want him at your house!"

Well heaven forbid I be unmarried at age 23. What the heck. It wasn't so much the reasoning that shocked me (though I'll explain why it kind of did) rather it was the tone of judgment and disapproval that made me suddenly feel like a leper. I understand she's trying to raise him to be a nice conservative boy with family values, etc....but hiding your own family's lifestyles from him seems so wrong. What's so wrong with me living with a boyfriend that I've been seriously dating for 3-years? I'm in a healthy and progressing relationship but feel I'm too young to be married. Why is that so forbidden? Furthermore, part of her justification was "Because he's 12!". Well here's a fun fact....I was 7-years-old when SHE moved in with my Dad BEFORE they were married. Hypocrite much?

It seems to me they were the ones to make the impression on me (via THEIR pre-marriage living situation) that it was acceptable to live with someone before marriage and now here I am being punished (via not being able to have my brother come visit my home) for living the way they taught me was OK to live in the first place.

Friday, June 24, 2011

My New House is Not A Home.

Call me sentimental but I'm getting a little emotional about moving out of my beloved C-304. I spent my entire collegiate career in this apartment and pretty much every great memory I have about college starts or ends with my apartment. A great prefunk, a great after-party, maybe just a great party in general. There's so many happy memories in this 720 square foot unit...I don't want to leave a single one of them behind.

It was my first apartment. My first go-around at adulthood with bills to pay and dishes to do. It's the first place I got to decorate however I wanted and avoid taking out the recycling however long I wanted. It's where boyfriend and I first kissed (etcettera, etcettera). It's where I first lived with a boyfriend. It's where I made jello-shots for the first time and played beer pong on a camping table we'd set up in the carpeted living room. (Somehow we avoided mega carpet damage...thank you cheap clear beer!!) It's where I made the bestest friend out of a roommate I barely knew from high school. And its the first spacial area to make me cry...*happening right now*.

The days of swapping clothes with my same size roomie are long gone but I still miss them. Four inch height difference but somehow the same exact size and length in clothing. (Worked for me so I guess I won't worry about it.) The weeknights of random theme parties like A-B-C (Anything But Clothes) and making amazing 6-hour playlists have also surrendered to better days but every time I walked into my apartment I had those memories and knew this was a happy place to call home.

Packing up and moving out of here just doesn't feel right. And I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I hate change, especially big change that you can't turn back. Maybe it's because I just signed a year-long lease not knowing if I'll be in this town for that long. *Gulp* Maybe it's because I wrote a $1329 check for the new place, again not knowing if I'd actually be here that long. *Double Gulp*

I'm sure it's a mix of all of the above but also because as I said before, there's so many happy memories in my apartment I worry this new apartment might not ever feel like the happy home called C-304. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Apartment Finder

I am officially homeless come August 1st and it's because I missed my window of opportunity by 26-hours.  Zoinks!!

It all started in March when my apartment landlord asked if I would be renewing my lease which is set to expire at the end of July. At that moment in time I was set on getting out of this town so I checked the "No" box in the renewal form. Flash forward 3-months and here I have finally come to the satisfied conclusion that I will stay and it's too late.

When I inquired about indeed renewing my lease my landlord said "No" because she had rented out my apartment at 2p the day before. I kindly asked if these new renters could be moved to another available unit thus allowing me to stay in my unit and again the answer was "No". Personally I think that its silly a business is willing to swap one (loyal 4 year) resident for another renter when they could have BOTH renters and twice the money. All they'd need to do is move these new renters into the Q Unit, not me like I was offered. Technically I could stay in the same complex but if I have to move I might as well make good on the U-Haul rental and find a better complex to move to whether it be across the street or across the town....but I'm certainly not renting a U-Haul to move across the parking lot. Sheesh.

Monday, June 20, 2011

I'd like to move-it, move-it...but I'm scared.

It used to be one would get hired for an employment position and then move to wherever that employment position was. Now it seems we must find (or settle for) a position in the location where we a.) Currently reside or b.) Currently want to reside so we move there in hopes of also finding a job there. It’s almost as if the, “If you build it, he will come” quotation has been reversed, polished and updated to say, “If you move it, jobs will come”. I was quite happy with the way it was thank you.

My problem with today’s reality is that I’m simply not brave enough to pack up, move, make a deposit and sign a 6-month lease and then cross-my-fingers something comes along to pay the 6-month rent. I need more assurance than that cross-my-fingers mumbo jumbo people rely on. Seriously, how do you people do it so carefree?

Perhaps this “weenie-ism” makes this next revelation so sadly true. I am staying at my current job for another mmmm 6-months at the minimum mostly because I have no other solid options. I’m also staying because I’m too scared to quit and hope something better comes along. Thirdly I’m staying because I know a job with benefits, vacation days, sick days and superiors being chill about me taking days off pretty much whenever I choose does not come along everyday. I need to realize that although my location is not ideal (and here I thought it was all about LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION) I have it pretty good.

I also need to reflect on an import statement my off-color mentor slipped to me just the other day. “Don’t just move for movings sake.” And you know he’s 100% correct. I’ve been complaining and wanting to move for longer than I care to remember but when it comes down to the nitty gritty of the matter, I’ve been wanting to move for movings sake.  Though I say I am “done” with this town and would LOVE to live, work and play in a big city where I can wear heels without judgment; I need to sit back and appreciate what I have…for now. (My heels are waiting patiently in their designated closet space.) 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Mantra Moment

Last night boyfriend and I went for a walk. It was nice to get out of the house, away from the TV and the cell phones and the technological distractions and just walk with one another in nature. We talked a bit about life and decisions people around us are making. Specifically the choice, or non-choice, of having kids and getting married. I can't tell you how many people I've heard say something to the likes of, "We weren't planning to have kids but it just kind of happened." I call bullshit. There's no way pregnancy just "kind of happens". Have you seen the perfect timing it takes to create a child? The creation of life is just shy of a miracle and there are multiple ways to prevent it. I honestly can't stand it when people say, "I just figured if it happened, it happened". NO! That's not how it goes. If you're not doing anything to prevent a pregnancy than you clearly were letting it happen.

This notion lead me to the conclusion that some people just let life happen while some people go and make life happen.

I am the type to make life happen. I am in (almost) full control of my life and the direction I chose for it to go. While not always happy with the choices I make, I take full responsibility for the outcome instead of the "if it happens, it happens" route.  Some people do take the sit back and see what happens approach and to be honest, I'm not sure the payout of that route is that spectacular.  Also, I am way to organized and anal to ever let something be unplanned.

But seriously, what's the motive to just let life happen as you float through it? It's it sheer laziness? It is denial that you can't indeed take control of your life? This is the one and only life we get (on this Earth) and I don't intend to "go with the flow". I  take life by the horns and make the most of it because if I don't I'll forever regret the opportunities I didn't take advantage of.

So the question remains: to let life happen or to make life happen.
What kind of life will you choose to live?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

World, Hold On

I'm back from my European adventure. Full of life, full of appreciation for our world and ready to see what's next. The trip was amazing and I'll be posting about some insights I had along the way. In the meantime, enjoy my favorite new jam!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"J" is for Jetsetter

In T-Minus 11 hours I will be on a plane to London and then off to see the greater Western European region for the next 18 days. I've packed 20 pairs of underwear and feel nervous, yet prepared. I'm taking it old school and writing in a paper journal while on my trip but I promise I'll save the good stories and life epiphanies for you! Cross your fingers I don't get robbed or sold into the sex trade....send a search party if you don't hear from me in awhile!

Bon Voyage!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Playing the Bitch Card

Today is one of those rare days where I'm sick enough (and drugged up enough) to honestly not give a shit about telling people off. I'd say its been a successful day though I don't feel very good about myself for doing it. But you know what? Someone's got to play The Bitch Card and I guess today is my day.

Move 1: One of our office interns made a mistake over the weekend and instead of my usual mothering-touch to the matter I was very frank in an email sent to multiple people (including my intern victim) saying it was a mistake and it was NOT ok. I got a bit reprimanded for it from a superior (the one who loves putting me down anyway...) but I got defensive and stuck to my guns. Everyone in my office is a pushover. Someone has to crack the whip and if no one else will do it then I gladly will. I did apologize for sending the tasteless notice in a group email (which included info for wasn't just a piece of hate email) but at the same time I was honest in the fact that when something does not get done, I am firm about it. It's an industry lesson she had to learn. And though she thinks I hate her (A. SOOOO childish B. I do not hate her) this lesson will hopefully put her in her place and help her see this is not a beach club, it's work--so get it done!

Move 2: Boyfriend works for the airlines and as such, gets a few* (A FEW!!!) discounted airline passes each year to disperse as he likes. I am baffled and appalled at how many of our distant friends have come out of the woodwork for one of these handouts. Honestly 95% of the people who have asked boyfriend for a pass aren't even considered "friends". They don't put any work into the friendship, they blow us off constantly or just don't hang with us period YET they still have the gumption to ask for a freebie. Finally fed up with these users I posted a status on Facebook that hopefully most of our mutual friends will see and comprehend. Yes, it was super bitchy but boyfriend doesn't have the heart to say "No" to these people so I did it for him. (Score!)

Move 3: Speaking of Boyfriend...we've developed the routine (for which he claims he likes) of him driving me to work at 8 a.m. Monday through Friday. Today I was especially counting on the ride as I am on day three of feeling like crap as well as having a 30-lb camera to lug into work. Of course today was the day he chose to be lazy and reject my request for a ride. That being said, I was lucky to find a parking spot near campus but was still pissed I had to drag an awkward camera case up to work. I sent him a nasty text about it and am pretty sure he ignored it. Awesome.

Who knows what other moves I'll make today but I suggest you stay out of my way. My Bitch Card is played fast and furious.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Manners Movement

Its become quite clear that my generation (filled with 20-something's at various stages of life) missed the manners memo. Perhaps their mothers (and fathers!) were too busy watching Jerry Springer re-runs or working overtime to be concerned with the fact they were raising bad-mannered offspring. No matter who gets the blame or who takes the blame, I'll be the first to admit my generation is RUDE.

I have yet to see a "Thank You" card when I go out of my way to ensure their 2-year-old brats got a Christmas or Birthday gift. Even sending them personalized gifts I find myself having to send a text message weeks later to make sure they recieved my package. My text reply is often something to the tune of, "Yep!"...still not even a text message thank you?? Come on people.

I don't know where or when people decided that other people aren't worth their time but it makes me feel a bit superior (if I can use that word) knowing that I have some class. Part of my Christmas afternoon tradition is to sit down and write Thank You cards to anyone who sent me a gift. It's been that way since I can remember and I'm very thankful my parents instilled that trait. To this day its part of my routine. If I receive something, I say thank you for it whether it be a snail-mail card, a text, sometimes even a Facebook message or wall-post will do.

Perhaps you're thinking, "Yes that's nice to send thank you cards but I'm just so busy it's hard to find the time.". News Flash: OTHER PEOPLE ARE BUSY TOO!! Think of what a hassle it is to go to the store, find something for someone else and then package it, mail it, and spend the money for all of the above. Though it is a hassle, someone thought so much of you that they went out of their way to do something for you...and if that's not a worth a thank you then might I frankly suggest: You weren't worth their time.

What makes my generation (probably multiple generations) think they are so above a simple Thank You? Are they that busy? Do they simply not comprehend that a Thank You is appropriate when receiving gifts?

I titled this The Manners Movement for several reasons. A.) To start a Manners Revolution in hopes of bringing Please and Thank You back into our vocabulary. B.) To address the fact that there's been a Manners Movement...but actually meaning the manners moved away. Far, Far Away.

P.S. Thank You for reading this.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dorothy Dare and the Curse Of The Blah Blah's

“If A equals success, then the formula is A equals X plus Y and Z, with X being work, Y play, and Z keeping your mouth shut.” -Albert Einstein

We've all seen them. We've all experienced them. Truthfully, some of you might be some of them. They walk around as normal looking, normal functioning people but in truth they are not. In my world they are referred to lovingly as: The Blah Blah's...but I seem to be uncomfortably surrounded by them! (HELP!)

A Blah Blah is a person who talks A LOT. They have no real point to the stories they tell...details they add (such as names, time of day, what someone was wearing, etc.) are often irrelevant and I've had enough Blah Blah's in my life to draw the conclusion that they just like to hear themselves talk.

Why all the talking? 

Do they hate silence? Do they hate when I talk? Are they really that self-indulgent to think that I give two hoots about their mundane story? (Does that make me improperly self-indulgent because I don't give two hoots about their mundane story?)

Part of the problem is I've brought the world of Blah's Blah's onto myself. I'm a journalist and a natural listener. I like to listen to people tell stories and I am generally interested in people's stories BUT (and I say BUT all caps because I do have a limit to my listening) sometimes I like to talk too and it's frustrating when I literally can't get a word in during a conversation.

Another element of the problem is I, like any other normal human being, have a listening span of about five minutes (and that's on a good day). It's frustrating when A. The Blah Blah's continue rambling on even though it's clear I am disinterested or have checked-out of the conversation completely and B. When they get mad that I've checked out because they expect me to listen to their rant.

I'll admit I am quieter than most so perhaps the constant talking bothers me faster than others but for the sake of peace and quite I wish the Blah Blah's would shut-up and enjoy the silence from time to time. And in hopes of not turning into a Blah Blah myself, I'm stopping this rant, right now.  

Monday, May 2, 2011

Brain Warp

This evening I concluded my 15-week history course and I'm already bored. Yes, part of the reason for taking the course was an effort to curb my non-hobbyness (see The List) and refrain from boredom. Also part if it was because I'm oh-so-close to having a collegiate minor in history. Yes, I'm an American History Nerd with an unusual fetish for the private lives of Presidents!! Aside from that painfully honest moment I never really meant to share with the Internet universe, my goals were attained. I was never bored, always eager to complete my assignments and strive for top grades, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting an "A" in this one. (So this is what it feels like to be an "A" student...not bad!)

You know, there's something to be said about taking life one day at a time and I now firmly believe our education should be taken one course at a time! It was so delightful to have just one course zipping throughout my brain and to not have the final exam fear of history class somehow getting mixed in with some mathematical formula other academic area I was attempting to collectively master. Example: If A equals X and X equals C when divided by A, then C must be the year Branch Rickey signed Jackie Robinson to the Dodgers...huh?

I know at this age our brains are young and can quite literally hold a mountain-top of information but keep in mind, we are holding a mountain top of information in our brains!! Life is a bit more complicated these days with pop culture trivia (celebrity arrests, celebrity affairs, celebrity rehab visits), hit TV series' and Facebook updates to keep track of. Oh and lets not forget our ever growing shopping debt (It's not just me, right?), student loan payments, relationship dramas and endless job applications we have on our mind. Sometimes avalanches happen up there and information gets jumbled together. So why the rush to master it all, right this very minute?

Sometimes we get so much information we don't even know what to do with the information once we have it. Example: I have no idea how I got on this tangent, how to get out of it and what I was trying to make a point of.  I've just opened a flood gate of information in my brain and now I'm not sure how to process it...I suppose I'll be the first to follow my own new-found advice and take this revelation one thought at a time. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Cheat Code

A long drive with my former roomie and current bestie brings on a lot of typical "girl talk" conversations, one of which included cheating. We're both guilty of the crime and I was stunned by her matter-of-fact honesty when she said she'd cheat again if she were to get back together with her college sweetheart. (Of whom we were zooming east to see.) Stunned isn't quite the right word, nor is pleasantly surprised, I guess in a way I was jealous (thought that's not the right word either) about how perfectly honest she could be not only about the matter of cheating, but about herself.  I suppose the right word is: intimidated. To know that much truth about yourself is one thing, but to be able to share it with others is an admirable quality, and I wish I had that.

Admirations aside the concept of cheating struck a new chord in my brain. We cheat on diets. We cheat on our looks (thank you make-up and spanx!). We buy cheat codes to get levels ahead in video game play.

With all the easily accessible cheat codes whirling around us, how do we keep relationships sacred from the cheat code? 

Monday, April 25, 2011

The List

I'm a planner. It's who I am and it's what I do. Each day I make myself a written list of things to do and feel a sense of accomplishment when a check mark is placed next to an item on the sacred list. My planning process has become somewhat of a foundation (a.k.a. Obsession!) for me and it keeps me stable. Perhaps this stability is actually a sign of a super-anal-control-freak-personality shining through, but I prefer to think of it as a hobby.

I plan out my paycheck weeks before they arrive in my bank account; I'm not heading to Europe for another three weeks yet my bags are packed; and finally because I have nothing else to plan at the moment, I've made a Bucket List.

In no particular order:

1. See the World. Top destinations include: Spain, Africa (Safari!), Galapagos Islands.
2. Be a News Anchor, if only for one day.
3. Get into Politics, and kick some Congressional ass!
4. Work/Volunteer with animals either at the Humane Society or another non-profit organization.
5. Spend one shopping day and not be frugal in the slightest. I'm talking not even check the price tags.
6. Tell my Mother I have a tattoo.

Hmm...perhaps I need a real hobby....I'll put it on my "to do" list.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Retail Therapy....continued...forever. :-)

I made a fabulous purchase today...they were on sale!  

Job Dating Part II

A long time ago in a pre-graduate land far, far, away there was a girl who wrote about job dating. Well my friends, that girl is still here and is starting to feel a little desperate. I'm always applying for new jobs. Partially to stay in the groove of personalized cover letters and resume tweaks, but also because you just never know what opportunity might work out...oh and also because I need a new job stat! But in today's world, job dating is a hard club to get into! Does anyone have a VIP pass I can borrow?

In my original "Job Dating" blog post I rambled on about the ironic similarities between dating and a job. It takes a while to find the right fit and more times than none you're going to end up bitter at the relationship and walk away from the entire emotionally-charged ordeal. If my rants hold any truth what-so-ever, then I am the girl who can't find a job to go out with me...and I don't know why. *insert weekends filled with chick-flicks and chocolates* 

In the entry level graduate job world  I am considered "a catch". I'm a hard worker, I'm smart, I have years of experience, can meet a deadline and I don't think I'm "above" any mundane task. (That really irks me when friends of mine feel they are above a job. Hello!?! If you have no money and have bills to pay, take the lowly job. Heck, flip burgers if you must!!!) 

Pet peeves aside, I really don't understand why I'm not getting any call backs and why the standard employer excuse is, "we've found someone who better fits our qualifications." Pff. Like who? I'd really like to meet a recent graduate with as much experience and ambition as myself. I've worked my entire college career in the industry I was meant for and continue to do so; please tell me who better fits what these employers are looking for?? 

Perhaps the problem is I'm not going up against fellow college-grads. The job pool I'm swimming in is most likely filled with laid-off 20+ year career veterans with families to feed and an infinity of experience. In that competition, I don't stand a chance, but where I go from here? 

I don't mean to be selfish but this is OUR time not yours, you industry guru!! Let us poor recent grads who still have ambition that we'll change the world have the entry level's above you anyway. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

(Job) Security Breach

I might be a workaholic but I swear I don't mean to be. The truth of the matter is there are six full time staff members running two (yes two!) television stations and I wonder when our sinking ship will finally give out. I worked a 40-hour week plus a 30-hour weekend and my calendar tells me its not over yet. I have several looming 12+ hour days and though you might think its not the worst thing ever, it really is when you don't get paid for the extra work hours. I call foul but administration prefers to call it "overtime exempt". I hate loopholes.

I know times are still tough and people are working harder than ever to accomplish more than ever but you have to wonder who the hell thinks a television station, and two at that, can realistically survive with only six people to call on for help. Well, apparently someone does because here we are: 6 people, 2 stations and one giant meltdown about to occur. We're completely flailing and I don't know about my coworkers but I'm about to jump ship.

It's not that I don't enjoy the work but when I can never catch up it makes me want to throw my hands up and forget the whole thing. (I don't do well with stress....I become a hermit, and a grumpy one at that.)

I keep telling people that due to looming budget cuts I have no idea if my contract will be renewed, which is a true statement. I'm applying for jobs like a mad woman because of my prior reasoning but also because I can't stand this town or this job anymore. I'm overwhelmed, underpaid and not satisfied enough to grin and bear it for another year, especially when my happiness is on the line.

We just got another project added to our workload and though my coworker tells me, "It's job security for you!" I just don't have the heart to say, "Forget job security, I'm getting out of here!"

I mean really, what is "job security" when work is my prison?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Note(s) to Self

At some point I hope to turn each of these self realizations into individual posts, but for now, I just need to write these "notes to self", decompress, and move forward.

Number 1. I spent the first 22 years of my life bending over backwards to make everyone happy without much success.

Number 2. One year into "not caring what everyone thinks about me" including realizing I can't make everyone happy hasn't gone too well. I don't think I'm very well liked by people these days.

Number 3. It really hurts my feelings when I spend most of today hearing coworkers talk about going out to dinner or having a party at their house tonight and I don't get an invite to either. I'm 5' 10"...there's no way I'm invisible.

Number 4. The older I get, the lonelier I feel.

Number 5. ...Or is it, the older I get, the more I realize I'm lonely.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

OK, now it's officially official. I am the last one of my high school girlfriends to not be engaged and to not have a child. Yes, thats right folks, all three of my closest high school gal pals have children and are engaged/married. To be honest, I am really disappointed in how quickly these ladies settled for a regular life.

This marriage and children thing adds another level of distance to our friendship. Though we live far away, our lifestyle choices make it feel like we live on polar ends of the world and I'm not sure we have much in common anymore. They are struggling to pay the rent and I'm jetting off to here, there and everywhere on a whim. I feel guilty telling them about all the fun adventures I'm having when they are living in their parents garages.

I feel blessed that I don't have their lifestyle.
I feel ashamed admitting that I feel blessed to not have their lifestyle.
Why am I the one feeling guilty for having my life in order?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Home is Where?

I spent last weekend in Austin, TX visiting some family and seeing if the location was a contender in the race to find myself a new home. It wasn't. Maybe my expectations were too high or maybe I couldn't mentally transcribe what my expectations were. Whatever the case, I honestly couldn't picture myself living there.

Though I had a great time in Austin, the trip brought on some unexpected blues (and I'm not talking about the music genre). I thought all I needed to be happy was a bigger city where I had people my age to call friends. What I realized in Austin was not only do I need people I can identify with, but now I need a city I can identify with. And sadly, Austin wasn't it. Don't get me wrong, Austin is a fantastic city. There's SOOO much to do (especially compared to where I'm living now) but it's still too small for my great ambitions. I feel like Goldie Locks trying desperately to find where I fit in best but everything right now seems too small or too out of reach....where's my "just right"?

It's difficult knowing I don't quite fit in where I am right now; but it adds a whole new level of difficulty (and depression) when I don't even know where I belong.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

And Then He Wrote

I've been secretly hoping my old summer flame turned year-long affair would contact me and yesterday he did. Funny how quickly the feelings return. I'd deleted him off my Facebook in hopes that having no access to his life would make me forget he was in my life. The plan has yet to prove successful as he still crosses my mind almost daily...though not as much as he used to.

And then he wrote.

He asked but one simple question, "You deleted me off FB again???" and I gave him my honest answer that seeing his life via status update and default photo only made me miss him and think about him more than I already do.

And then he replied.

Said I "cross his mind too" but he thought I hated him. I don't hate him and I promptly told him I have no reason to. He's the only man in the past six years that I could have honestly pictured myself being happy with. I can picture marrying him and having children with him and living happily ever after with him.

And that scares the shit out of me.

So I delete him off my Facebook and throw memories of him out of my life for fear that I could be happy.

And that saddens me.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is it Nap Time yet?

I don't know if it's the weather or a case of post-Vegas withdrawals but I'm feeling down and today is not a day to be feeling that way. I think a good bit stems from the fact I am mentally and physically exhausted, not to mention realizing that boyfriend is equal to an 8-year-old child that I constantly have to clean up after is somewhat depressing. Let's run through my past two weeks and see if perhaps my excuse of being tired could possibly be legit.

Day 1: 14-hour work day.
Day 2: Prep for Vegas. Fly to Vegas. Party in Vegas.
Day 3: VEGAS!
Day 4: More VEGAS...though this time a little hungover. Lunch with cousin. Fly home.
Day 5: Work. Prep for GIANT workday. Entertain House Guest. Try to clean apartment.
Day 6: Work. Prep for GIANT workday. Say Goodbye to Guest. Welcome new House Guest.
Day 7: Take 6a flight to Seattle. Work 19-hours. 10p flight home. Drop by office. In bed by 12:30a.
Day 8: Work at 8a. Work for 10 hours. Home at 6p. Entertain House Guest. Try to clean apartment.
Day 9: Take 6a flight to Seattle. Shop with Mom for most of day. In bed by 11p.
Day 10: Hang with Mom. Catch Ferry. Attend wedding and reception. Shop. Catch Ferry. Home to Moms.
Day 11: Wake at 7a to prepare for Church at 8a. Meet up with Dad at 10a. Spend day on Vashon Island.
Day 12: Up at 6:30a to shower. Head to airport at 7:30a. Flight home. Work 8 hours. Try to go to bed early but decide to clean....

I'm at the point where I need to break down in tears and call it a day but I've still got 4-hours of work and a 2-hour class to get through before I can focus on any "me" time. Cross your fingers I don't completely lose it before then!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Viva La V-Day!

I've spent the past six months excited about my trip to Las Vegas and now here I am, a mere three days away from this trip and I find myself in an emotional slump. I've spent at least 180 days saving up on cash, stocking up on cute outfits and planning the most wild getaway of my life so how come I'm suddenly not excited anymore?

Maybe I've spent too much time thinking about all the fun to be had that I'm tired of thinking about it. Maybe my new responsibilities at work have stressed me to the point of being a walking zombie that I can't focus on the drunken joy that's about to ensue. Maybe it's the calm before the storm and I'm subconsciously conserving energy and emotions until V-Day is officially here and I can officially "let loose". Whatever it is, I hope my slump goes away soon because nobody likes a party pooper...especially in Las Vegas!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bicycle, Bicycle, I WANT TO RIDE MY BICYCLE!

Christmas came early (but techincally late) for me today. Several weeks ago I ordered a stationary bicycle from Walmart as an attempt to combine my two great loves of Watching reality TV and Excercising. Plus I could avoid the $19 shipping fee.

One lesson I have learned already from this great experiment of mine is to NEVER select Walmart's Free Site-To-Store shipping method ever again. Delay me once, shame on you; Delay me twice, fuck you! This is my new shipping and handeling motto. The first time I selected the free shipping option was back in January when I upgraded from a cubicle to a real live office. Walmart had just what I thought I needed so I ordered....only to have the shipping of a $20 table delayed by 3-weeks. Ugh. I ended up finding something better (and 100% free) to use in my office so I returned the order once it arrived and was reimbursed $20 a few days later. In the end it was a blessing, a huge inconvenience, but a blessing none the less to save a few bucks. 

Being a believer in second chances I decided to test their free shipping method once more, this time on a stationary bicycle. I wanted to get in quick shape for my Vegas trip and I could think of no better at-home cardio workout than bicycling. I ordered the bike in the first week of March expecting to recieve it in time for at least 2-weeks of sweat before I strut my stuff on the Strip. Wow, was I wrong.

The first delay was the fact it took over one week to even process my order. That's one week of workouts missed. *Sigh* When it finally shipped the only tracking information I ever recieved throughout the whole process was that my bike was on a truck somewhere between Hurricane, UT and where I live. Upon a Google Maps search I found the drive from UT to my neighborhood Walmart was around 15-hours with not many possible stops in between. My delievery truck must have gotten seriously lost because it took that truck six days to arrive. Finally the bike arrives but I've only got 9 days (minus a weekend out-of-town) to get my buns (and thighs!) in shape. Time to put the pedal to the metal!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ready to Defect

I'm super pissed at America right now. More specifically, I'm pissed at the Congressional Representatives who are seriously screwing up in the world of budgeting. I won't claim to be the most-educated person on any of the issues but I'm looking forward and these cuts have some serious negative implications for our future. Who are these people approving of these budget cuts? I did not vote for these people and if I did, I am seriously regretting that vote.

Proposed cuts to Planned Parenthood funding.

I've never personally used planned parenthood's services but I have several friends who have. Whether for a pelvic screening, family planning, or birth control it is a fantastic resource for women who either have no insurance, have no alternative or are trying to be responsible about their sex life even when mom and dad disapprove. Cuts to this institution will no doubt have a negative impact on the health and financial strain on America.

A. I guarantee unplanned pregnancies will skyrocket which in turn will cause strain on the welfare system from these mothers who now need financial help for themselves and their child (maybe even multiple children) for 18+ years. Kids aren't cheap, I am fairly certain it is a lot cheaper to prescribe some birth control pills (to prevent a pregnancy in the first place) than to expect taxpayers to foot the bill for the hospital bills plus 18+ years of welfare checks.

B. STD's will spread like wildfire. With no affordable/free alternative for women I'm guessing many will skip their annual pelvic exam...not like it's a treat to visit the lady doctor anyway (even with health insurance). With women skipping their annual exams and continuing to have sex at the rapid and random pace modern-America's do, STD's will spread like crazy and there's no stopping it. I'll admit, I found out I had an STD (curable with antibiotics thank god) that I never would have known about had I NOT gone to the lady doctor and been tested. There were no symptoms, I NEVER would have know, and now thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of women will be walking around with an STD that can and will cause serious health problems down the road if left untreated...not to mention spread to others.

Proposal to end funding for National Public Broadcasting.

This cut not only impacts National Public Radio (NPR) but it impacts Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) like Sesame Street, Frontline, NOVA, Clifford and also my job. Needless to say I'm a little bias and I've been social networking like crazy to get people to contact their congressional reps to fight for PBS. We need public broadcasting. In fact, PBS and NPR combined cost the government $1 per person in America each year. I think that's quite a deal considering all the entertainment and education you get out of public broadcasting. Plus, public broadcasting is FREE to anyone with a radio, car radio, or television with an antennae. You don't have to pay for public broadcasting like you have to pay for satellite or's FREE thanks in part to government funding and viewer support...but that's about to go away. About 75% of most PBS budgets comes from government funding, and with that money gone, you can bet there will be thousands of people out of work and hundreds of thousands out of luck if they were hoping to watch some educational TV....unless you consider Spongebob Squarepants to be educational television. I have no children but I greatly fear for the idiot children America is asking for by providing no truly safe and educational alternative.

I recently sent a premade email to my members of congress thanks to the 170 Million Americans For Public Broadcasting campaign for which I received this reply from Washington's 5th District Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, "Since its inception, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting has received more than $9 billion dollars from taxpayers. In FY2011 alone, more than $430 million in tax dollars will be directed for public broadcasting. It is alsoimportant to remember that the Corporation of Public Broadcasting was established to bring information and content to Americans at a time when broadcasting was in its infancy. Now with internet, television, cable and satellite being more cost effective and easily accessible, families have many options to receive the information and content they want and need. To that end, I supported efforts to limit funds available in all facets of government spending including federal funding to the Corporation of Public Broadcasting.

At first I understood her reasoning. Yes $9 billion dollars is a lot of money from taxpayers. But now I'm rethinking her statement and have a few rebuttals for her ridiculous reasoning. 

A. Funding has been happening since at least the 1970's so $9 billion divided by 40+ years and millions of taxpayers really isn't that much. 
B. Public Broadcasting's mission is to provide neutral information to educate and entertain viewers. You can't tell me there's any other un-bias station broadcasting in America, and even if PBS isn't completely neutral 100% of the time, it certainly strives to be, and thats more than I can say for (cough cough) Fox News or John Stewart. 
C. While the argument that public broadcasting was funded to help during the infancy of television is valid, her alternatives for this service include the internet, cable and satellite. ALL of which you have to pay for. As stated above, public broadcasting is free...until this cut  eliminates it all together. 

At this point I have limited options to combat this ridiculousness happening in America.

1. Make myself a fabulous cape and save America one referendum at a time.
2. Defect to Canada, marry a foreigner to gain dual-citizenship, or establish my own colony on an island in the tropics
3. Go into Politics

I'm leaning toward Number 3....but only after I finish my cape. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Vegas Pizazz

Here's a few outfits I'm working on accessorizing for my upcoming Vegas trip! 


This is outfit number one. The Motel Rocks brand dress makes my boobs look good and my legs look even better! I ordered this hot little diddy from Karma Loop several months ago and I think I paid around $60 for it. I've also seen this dress on ASOS but was able to get 25% off with a Karma Loop discount code.

 I'm pairing the dress with a pair of $80 hot pink peep-toe satin heels from B.P. at Nordstrom

I'm also adding $4 earrings from Forever21 which match way too perfectly to not be fate. 


Outfit number two was purchased last August and has yet to debut in Vegas. It's another purchase from Karma Loop and the Mink Pink brand dress rings in for about $70 if I recall correctly. I'm pairing the dress with $70 Steve Madden Royal Blue Pumps purchased from Nordstrom. These 2-inch pumps are extra comfortable, great for those of us who are already tall, and the color makes any outfit pop. 


Outfit number three is mostly a backup outfit should I decide I don't like outfit number one or number two. It's a Free People brand bandage dress, again from Nordstrom, but I got a great deal for it, paying $40 for a dress originally costing over $80. Score!! I need some accessories to jazz this up a bit more but not sure what to add. I'll likely add some gold bangles and maybe a necklace...though I'm not sure what kind of necklace would go best with this style and fit.

I am however pairing the dress with these FABULOUS $20 shoes from Rue21. I need to wear them a bit more around the house to loosen them up but I'm hoping by the time I'm in Vegas, they'll fit perfect!

Confessions Of A Las Vegas Addict

I'm a HUGE fan of Las Vegas. It's a quick 3-hour flight from just about anywhere and you only need to be there for a weekend to understand and/or to experience its full potential. I've frequented Vegas about five times since turning 21 and along the way I've learned of a few must-do savings options. I've also found quite a few outfits with just the right amount of pizazz for the amount of money I'm willing to spend on a sexy-but-not-slutty dress, I'll share those secrets later. Tonight I'm going to open up my "Vegas Vault" and share the savings I've found along the way.

Travel Tips 

1. Check Allegiant Air several months before you plan to hit the Strip. I got my tickets for $59.99 each way and even though Allegiant adds on a ton of bullshit taxes and fees, you still get a cheap ticket. Southwest Airlines is good too but they've gotten pricey since the economy started coming back.

2. Use an Airport Shuttle Service. Grayline's Airport Shuttle provides round-trip service to hotels on the Vegas Strip for only $12. You can use that extra $20 a taxi would have charged you towards something much better, like a drink!

3. Unless you're a Sleeping Beauty or a Prostitute, your hotel room accommodations shouldn't really matter much. If you party half as hard as my crew does, you won't be in your room for more than a cat-nap between dusk and dawn. I've never really cared if I'm staying at a 3-star or 5-star hotel as long as there is a clean bed and bathroom involved, and that perspective has helped my save HUNDREDS in hotel room costs. My top pick as of yet is the Hooters Hotel. Technically it's "off the strip" but its right across the street from the MGM Grand, right by the monorail, AND was $19/night when we stayed there a few summers ago. It was a nice hotel, good pool, good crowd, and of course, yummy wings! This upcoming trip we're staying at Casino Royale. It's smack-dab in the middle of the strip and we got an AMAZING deal of $79.99/night with my AAA card discount. The reviews look good and their $1 beers, $3 Margaritas, and $3 gambling tables make this deal even sweeter!

Nightlife Tips

4. If you plan to enjoy the nightlife, check out for some good offers. The site offers "free entry/reduced entry" to every club for $1 per pass. I usually get my club passes 3-4 days after ordering them and they've always come in handy, especially for the guys trying to get in.

5. Dress to I-M-P-R-E-S-S. If you thought sports were competitive, you haven't seen Vegas. It's vicious waiting in those lines hoping a bouncer will see you looking HOT and let you in. Everyone is trying to one-up the next person to get into that dance heaven called The Club and don't be shocked if you see someone pull out a $20 or $50 to get in. Despite the free entry or reduced entry, Bouncers expect a little somethin'-somethin' to let you in and they are total douche bags about it, even to the ladies. Now, most of the time I haven't had trouble getting into the clubs, I just put my long legs out there and *boom* we're in! The only downer is I tend to roll with a lot of dudes, which is a no-no in Vegas Land. Prepare to wait, and have that $20 handy for the Bouncer should you need it.

6. Pack Flats. You will be walking, standing, dancing A LOT. No matter how comfy cozy your heels are, your feet will scream bloody-murder eventually. Pack some flats, and maybe a little bag you can keep your retired heels in so your hands aren't full for the rest of the night.

7. Pre-Funk. No matter who you are, drinks at nightclubs are expensive. If there's one thing I can't emphasize enough it's the beauty of a Pre-Funk. Alcohol can be purchased and consumed cheaply in your hotel or from one of the many mini-marts/CVS/Walgreens stores scattered along the strip and it will totally be worth it when you see the cost of a drink at the club.  Boyfriend and I got two drinks at The Bank inside Bellagio and it was $36. Ouch. Lesson learned: Pre-Funk is KEY!

I'll share more tips as they arise but for now I'll be practicing walking in my new Vegas heels!

Cover Letter Conudrum

Once upon a Blog rant I mentioned I plan to move to Austin, Texas. (Yee Haw!) Part of the reason to move is the fact there is nothing for me in the town I currently reside. No friends, dislike my job, and though the rent price is right, the weather is all wrong. My body was not made for temperatures below 75-degrees and I'm hoping Austin, despite a few cold days here and there, will satisfy my climate needs. This 2-feet of snow in March is just not cutting it...

So far the only hard decision about moving is the fact I will be giving up a great job. Throw out all the bullshit, the fact I'm not doing what I want to be doing, and the people who treat me like I'm incompetent, its not the worst job in the world and lets not forget I'm fortunate to even have a job.

I thought perhaps having a new job ready and waiting for me in Austin would make the thought of moving easier...but in this economy that's not the case. I've applied for at least five jobs and haven't heard back from a one. In my current work world filled with health insurance, sick days and paid vacations, am I really ready to pack up and move with no plan?

Even before I became an official college graduate I was applying for jobs all over the country. In fact, I think it's good to keep in the swing of job applications as you never know what might come along. I mostly apply for the practice but also with secret hope (and fear) I might actually get the job. So far this plan and positive thinking hasn't paid off. I've had only one job offer and I'm starting to get really tired of writing cover letters.

When it comes to writing my CL I never know what to say or how to say it without sounding full of myself or completely uneducated about the position. I've learned from reading student employee applications that some cover letters come off sounding very snooty while others don't impress me at all. I worry that my words come off all wrong when I spend hours (literally, this last CL took me 2-hours) to perfect them.

Perhaps some of my frustration today is the fact that all the past applications were just for fun, no pressure if I didn't get the job. These new applications however are jobs that A. I seriously want and B. I seriously need if I really plan to move to Austin.

If there is a Cover Letter Writing For Dummies book, I need it ASAP!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Diet Riot

“Love is a game in which one always cheats.” Honore de Balzac

GUILTY. Ok, so I bet you're expecting some horrid story of infidelity which I will tell you right now won't be happening. Though I did cheat, it's not what you think. And though I know you're thinking, "Yah, that's what they all say...", this truly is a case of "it's not what you think."

In lieu of our fast-approaching vacation to Las Vegas, boyfriend and I are attempting to get our buns in shape! (Literally!) One such tactic was to spend an entire week, this week, eating ONLY fruits and veggies. I type this as I've just finished eating a peanut-butter-rice-crispy-treat-snack. Crap.

I think I've done really well for the majority of this diet but I'll admit, I'm a cheater. Though I've stuck to fruits and veggies for most of each day; come dinner time or that 2pm sugar depletion, I'm in need of some real food and apple slices just aren't cutting it. So I cheat. And I've been doing it all week.

I do feel bad, not because I'm eating (we need food!), but because I'm cheating on a pact boyfriend and I made together. Boyfriend is doing AWESOME on this plan and I'm not 100% into it. Though I had good intentions, I can't stick to this plan, I need food and I shouldn't have to feel bad about that, should I?

Boyfriend is bummed I'm letting hunger get the best of me but to prove that I'm dedicated to being a hot lady in Vegas, I'm going to purchase a stationary bike so I can work out at home while simultaneously watching my favorite reality shows. Multitasking as it was meant to be! I'm going to purchase the bike right after my lunch break which will consist of a banana, an apple, sweet peas...and a mini snickers bar.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rice Bowl Miracle

Yesterday I realized I am comfortably in love. It happened over a bowl of rice, pork fried rice with basil to be exact, and though there wasn't anything particularly life changing about the moment, it was a moment that struck me as real love.

The night before this realization boyfriend and I went to a bars grand re-opening. We'd gone there a few times before, it's a decent bar and we know the bartender so we're kind of obligated to make an appearance every once in while. (Kind of like celebrities but we don't get paid for it and no one cares to take our pictures we arrive....) Anyway, this bar had reinvented itself (how Madonna of them) to be more of a nightclub so we went to check it out. My favorite thing about this bar is it's also a Thai food restaurant and their pork fried rice with basil and 2.5-stars is to die for. So after a few $5 drinks and definitely feeling the drunk munchies, I ordered a plate. I savored a few delicious bites and like a TLC-Hoarder I packed up the rest to go home.  Flash forward to yesterday, I excitedly heat up the leftovers and plan to enjoy the whopping bowl of heavenly rice to myself. Right as I sit down Boyfriend grabs the bowl to help himself to my rice and for the first time ever, I didn't care. This may be a bit cave-woman of me but I'm generally very protective of the food I buy. The fact that I didn't care he had some of my food told me right then and there we are in a real relationship. What's mine is his and I'm kind of OK with that.

I think I try and hold up a wall of indifference to love. I'm not interested in marriage and I struggle to make myself believe I might actually settle down with boyfriend. I'm also indifferent to being single. There's so many jerks, creeps, douche bags and weirdo's out there to deal with I'm a little hesitant to dip my toe into the singles pool. And though I'm overprotective about my food and am not particularly fond of sharing everything, I could see myself getting used to this rice-sharing idea....and maybe more.